
context of the document

Data is the key disruptive element for transforming public administrations and is now an unavoidable reality. Its value lies in the multiple capabilities it brings to every conceivable process of citizen service delivery.

Supported by technologies such as artificial intelligence, data is the ally for evidence-based public policy making; adapting it to social reality and maximising the efficiency of resources to create better, proactive, customisable and digital public services. In other words, the services that citizens expect and that were previously unthinkable.

Today, knowledge is the greatest asset we can give the Administration to improve citizens’ lives. Data has always been there, but now it can be understood and managed better than ever, and the tools exist, including technological tools, to be able to do so.

At Impulse we are part of this transformation and we want to drive the Administration’s path to the new data paradigm. Data-driven decision making will take the civil service to the next level. With the right data, making policies in line with citizens’ needs will be much faster, easier and more intuitive.